Wellow Tennis Club held another very successful Tiebreak 10s tournament over the Bank Holiday weekend. 

Some 24 members participated and the event was excellently organised again by Stuart Martin. 

Initially the participants were divided into two groups with six doubles pairs in each group. Each pair then played a Tiebreak to 10 points against opponents and the pairs then split up and played another tiebreak against their partner. Individuals played five games of two tiebreaks which made for a lot of quick and enjoyable tennis during the afternoon. 

At the end of this stage the top man and top lady from each group qualified for the final. 100 points were on offer during the group stages. Matthew Bryce-Smith topped Group 1 with 94 points and the top lady was Simone Arnott with 89 points. Mike Bevan led the second group with 92 points followed by Judy Wallis with 89 points. 

The final consisted of two tiebreaks with the ladies switching partners for the second tie-break.

Mike Bevan and Judy Wallis won the first tie-break 10-9. The second round was also closely contested and an extra point needed to be played to decide second and third positions. The final outcome was Mike Bevan 21 points, Simone Arnott 20, Judy Wallis 19 and Matthew Bryce-Smith 18.
Derek Bennett of Headlands Cafe kindly sponsored the event and presented the prizes that had been donated to the four finalists. Players and spectators all enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon with lots of enjoyable tennis and tasty refreshments supplied by members. The tournament took around four hours to complete.