With preparations for the forthcoming season in full swing Winchester Rugby Club president Robbie Sanderson has once again had a rush of blood to his head and decided he ought to take on another cycling challenge linked to rugby activities.

Being another year older and wiser Robbie is now planning on cycling around all 12 clubs in the central region league. 

The plan will be to leave WRFC on Wednesday September 25 visiting all the other 11 clubs in a clockwise route amounting to 300 miles.

They will arrive back at WRFC late morning of Saturday September 28 in time for this seasons president's charity lunch when they play Chobham RFC.

The route will take them to Tortonian’s, Bournemouth, Wimborne, North Dorset, Andover, Newbury, Chobham, Farnham, Guildford, Chichester, Petersfield and back to Winchester.

In addition to date, Winchester RFC have secured eight key community sponsor partners commencing this season being Winchester Skoda, Charters, Ask About Mortgages, Draper Tools, Gentian, Sarum Road Hospital, Paris Smith and Oberon Solutions.

Rob’s intention is to ask each of them to select a charity of their choice together with the MND community so they can raise awareness and share any funds raised between a number of deserving causes. 

Club chairman Steve Barrow said: “It would be fabulous to try and raise £1k for each charity highlighting that our partnership extends way beyond just rugby.

“So if you fancy a cycling adventure and are interested in joining the team or just to cycle one leg please contact Rob asap on president@winchesterrugby.com. 

“Regardless please pencil in Saturday September 28 for lunch to welcome them back to Winchester prior to the league fixture with Chobham full details on how to book will follow on our website two weeks before the event.”