Eastleigh junior rugby club girls section along with their partners from Winchester Rugby Club had the honour of a coaching session from England Red Rose Tamara Taylor. 

As always with Eastleigh Rugby Club the invite was shared to girls throughout Hampshire, both with and without rugby experience.

On the evening the sun shone and girls from every age attended and had four playing opportunities overseen by Tamara and Phil Kearn RFU national coach development manager. From the u7’s to the u18’s all the girls had a fantastic night of rugby and, as importantly, making friends. 

To finish off the evening Tamara held a questions and answers session, and very kindly brought her World Cup winning medals for the girls to hold and have photos with. 

Tamara said: “ We had a great evening and it was a real pleasure to meet and coach such a friendly and enthusiastic group of girls, with the skills and determination on show this evening I wouldn’t be surprised if there isn’t a few future England players here tonight.

“I was also impressed with the friendly coaching style offered by the coaches, it suited the girls requirements perfectly, I can see this girls section going far and hope they can continue to grow the girls game in the area.”

Eastleigh junior rugby fees are kept minimal (£70 per season) so that everyone is able to enjoy rugby. The girls section trains Wednesday evening and Sunday morning, with skill sessions on Monday evenings.  

For any girls wishing to join next season email Eastleighgirls@gmail.com.