Some clubs are lucky to have one stalwart; Easton and Martyr Worthy Cricket Club is fortunate to benefit from the continuous support of three players each with 50 years of membership.

It was the time of flares, platform shoes, big hair, Slade and The Osmonds back in 1973 when Trevor Yeates, Andrew Dickety and Martin Hall all first joined EMWCC.

On Saturday May 27 current players, families and club supporters enjoyed a BBQ and social evening at the David Roth ground in Easton and celebrated this anniversary, recognising the debt of gratitude to these legends of the club. 

On a glorious evening after the league fixtures had finished, former club chairman Adam Murch made the presentations of commemorative shirts and club caps to all three players. 

The ever-youthful Trevor Yeates defies his 50 years as a cricketer and continues to be a regular and key player for the club’s 2nd team. As a seam bowler he was a long term member of the 1st XI’s bowling attack. 

Trevor and his family have been continual supporters of club life performing many important roles. Trevor served on the management committee in the 1980s and acted as the club’s groundsman on three separate occasions.

Club stalwart Andrew Dickety is the father of the current club captain Mark Dickety. Andrew and his family have been crucial to the organisation of the club over many years.

He has been responsible for nurturing many young players, primarily through Indoor Cricket and Evening League cricket; and continues to actively support the club’s activities.

Martin Hall was primarily a batsman and wicket keeper. He was club captain for five years, 1st team captain for nine years and has served on various club committees. Martin was also presented with a framed picture of the cricket ground, which listed the many trophies he has been instrumental in winning for the club over the years of his impressive career. Martin has gone on to represent England Over 60s and 70s and played 10 Test Matches (five in Australia) for them with a top runs score of 70. 

On a memorable day for EMWCC the three club league teams also achieved comprehensive wins. At home the 1st team, captained by Ben Stanbrook, beat Bramshaw CC 1st XI by three wickets. Isaac Lowe took three wickets and Adam Kite four, including importantly bowling out K Patel on 50 runs. Opener Jamie Banks top scored with 41 runs, followed by Ben’s 39.