WINCHESTER City Football Club's plan for a new pitch has been delayed due to design changes. 

The club had applied to the city council to help fund a 3G artificial pitch at its Charters Community Stadium in Abbotts Barton.

A total of £200,000 of CIL funding has been allocated to the project and the Football Foundation has agreed, in principle, to provide a grant towards the expected cost of around £1m.

However, a meeting on March 7 heard that the funds have now been delayed.

Cllr Martin Tod, council leader, could not attend the meeting due to the cabinet meeting on the Central Winchester Regeneration scheme decision.

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Steve Lincoln, service lead for community and wellbeing, said: “The council is very supportive of plans from Winchester City Football Club to improve the facilities at the ground. Particularly in respect of the increased opportunities it would present for under-represented groups in sport. However, following recent discussions with the club and its partners, it became apparent that there was some need for some design alterations to ensure the facility is able to support wider community, multi-sport activities. 

“These alterations have resulted in cost changes and means there will be a delay in the decision on funding from the Football Foundation. So it would be premature for the council to make any decisions at this point. We will continue to work with the club and anticipate another report by the end of the year.”