A WINCHESTER resident is promoting an environmental activist group and encouraging the city to consider direct action.

Hazel Agombar, from Hyde, is leading a Just Stop Oil meeting in Winchester on Thursday, March 9. The UK-wide group uses civil resistance and direct action to pressure the government into stopping further fossil fuel licencing and production.

Environment centre worker Hazel, 53, joined the group in October when she was arrested for obstructing a highway alongside other Just Stop Oil representatives and now acts as a mobilisation volunteer.

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Hampshire Chronicle:

The mother of three said: “I’m hoping people will come to the meeting to come and understand direct action. Lots of people don’t understand how grave the environment situation is so we will be sharing the science and the social science behind direct action and why we’ve resorted to it.

“None of us want to disrupt the public but actions that don’t do so don’t get the media coverage so it’s the only way to get attention. We need the political will to put us in the right direction.

“We’re all just carrying on with business as usual and we’re going to look back and think why didn’t we act? I wake up and it terrifies me. There are signs all around with heat waves and earlier Springs. I want to be able to say that I did what I could to make a difference.

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“We’re often portrayed as middle-class do-gooders but that is not the case. Lots of local people are worried but don’t know how to air their views and ask questions. This meeting will be interesting for people no matter their stance and hopefully we can get them to think about direct action.”

The Just Stop Oil meeting takes place at Projects Store and Kitchen in Middle Brook Street at 6.30pm on Thursday, March 9.

The organisation currently has 600 members across the country encouraging people to take action. Hazel is hoping to form a Winchester and Southampton branch of the group. For more go to juststopoil.org/.