FIVE-hundred youngsters took part in a bauble hunt in the Meon Valley that raised more than £2,500 for a Winchester charity.

The organisers - a small group of friends from the Meon Valley - have just announced £2,641 was pulled in from the event at the Forest of Bere near Wickham before Christmas. It will go to helping the Winchester Young Carers (WYC) project.

Children paid £2.50 to follow a course around the wood, collecting over 500 brightly coloured hidden pinecones with their families. They later met special guest Father Christmas in his grotto and received a festive gift for their efforts.

Ben Hogbin, project manager from WYC, said: “We’re grateful for the hundreds of people who turned out to trek around the forest and for the many people who made such an event possible.

“The money raised by young people having fun will be put into helping support those who miss out on many elements of their childhood.”

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