SIR — I, like many others, had a great weekend in the sun.

I spent quite a lot of time in the recreation ground in Winchester. It was lovely, lots of families with picnics, etc.

When I walked the dog at about 9pm, I noticed that for the most part, people had used the litter bins, and even though they were full to overflowing, rubbish had been placed next to them.

I was disappointed to see, however, that the bins did not get emptied on the Sunday morning and were like it all day.

On venturing into town on the Monday, I noticed that the bin at the crossing into town from Middle Brook Street was being painted!

Surely the money being spent on painting bins would be better served in employing someone to emptying them at the weekend.

At least through the summer months. Overflowing bins lead to more littering in my opinion.

Jackie Jones, Middle Brook Street, Winchester.