TEST Valley councillors are being urged to back controversial plans to bulldoze a Victorian country house and replace it with a modern property.

Developers want to knock down Buckholt House, near West Tytherley, and build a new larger home in its place.

The proposal was rejected and labelled “vandalism” during a meeting of the council’s southern area planning committee.

But because members went against the advice of planning experts in making their decision, the matter is due to go before the authority’s planning control committee, which has the final say.

The 19th century house is set on its own in countryside off Buckholt Lane. West Tytherley Parish Council has already objected to the scheme, arguing that demolition of the building, which is not listed, would be a loss to the village.

Planning officers say the development would not result in any detrimental impact on the area.

The scheme goes before planning control at the council chambers in Duttons Road, Romsey, on Tuesday June 2, at 6.30pm.