SIR — I have decided to put on an extra wool jumper and take two less showers each week.

This is to offset the extra greenhouse gas produced when vehicles have to proceed in third or fourth gear because of reduced speed limit.

I have decided not to apply for broadband, but to go to bed one hour earlier and reduce myself to two emails each week.

This is to offset the extra greenhouse gases caused by braking and accelerating at pinch points, and closing of hundreds and hundreds of metres of our dual carriageways which cause bunching and queuing and extra wear and heat.

I shall walk to the library to read the daily paper to counter the tremendous waste of energy of street lighting from 3am to 4am; and as far the vast amount of unwanted computer capacity that uses trillions of kilowatts every year worldwide is concerned, I will dump the fridge freezer.

But stay! I read of an experiment to switch off unnecessary ‘motorway’ lights in Hampshire.

It is a start to showing some intelligent reduction in energy waste, so perhaps I will arrange to open the fridge door just once a week instead.

If the authorities insist on increasing, by their actions, the production of greenhouse gases, I may well end up like a woolly mammoth — complete with appropriate odours.

Bob Pearson, Arlebury Park Barns, Alresford.