The Army Flying Museum is hosting two fundraising fairs on the same weekend.

On Saturday, November 23, the museum in Middle Wallop will welcome more than 35 traders and artists for a Christmas fair inside Hayward Hall.

Visitors can get a head start on their Christmas shopping with a wide variety of gifts available, including jewellery, homemade cakes, artwork, rum, candles and chutney.

There will also be free Christmas craft activities for children provided by Feathered Skies Nursery and Pre-school.

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A bumper weekend lies in store for the Army Flying Museum (Image: Army Flying Museum) The action continues on Sunday, November 24, with the annual Aircraft Enthusiasts Fair and Model Show.

Both museum hangars will be packed full of traders and model clubs, with stalls selling and exchanging aviation and modelling-related items.

Models for Heroes will be running model-making sessions, and is inviting people to try their hand at making a model under expert guidance, with donations to the charity welcome.

Lucy Johnson, chief executive of the Army Flying Museum, said: "We are very excited about the events taking place at the museum this weekend, which we hope will see lots of people through the doors not only to enjoy browsing the wide range of exhibitors and traders, but also to look around our fabulous museum."