If I am not mistaken the was a previous report undertaken of a 270 homes development around Halterworth school that stated any development in the area would greatly enhance the possibility of flooding in the area which would impact the whole of the site and existing dwellings? If this is the case would TVBC planning authority cover the cost of any flooding in the future. This is only objections to the planning proposal. The highways are not capable of absorbing any more traffic especially during school term times. The local surgeries cannot cope with the work load now let alone after the building of 900 or so additional homes!

Isn't it about time TVBC stood up the the government and said enough is enough!  MPs in Westminster are not qualified to make such decisions about areas that they have no knowledge about. It clearly demonstrates that all parties are totally devoid of making any realist decisions.

Lets stop this development now before it is too late!!

Roger Langton,

Queens Close,
