I WAS pleasantly surprised at Mr Simon Watson's gratitude for assisting him regarding his lack of knowledge of parliamentary procedure regarding strengthening the hunting act.

I would like to assist him further in his search for the Romsey Conservative drinking club. It's so easy to find if he looks for the massive white flag pole in the Market Square as it is directly underneath it. How they ever got planning permission to erect it is beyond me as it is totally out of kilter with the town's other street furniture.

I can remember a few years ago a local barber being refused permission to erect a small pole outside of his shop as it did not fit in with the furniture.

His other remarks regarding me calling the Christmas festivities pagan was strange to me as, even as a confirmed atheist, I seem to have a better understanding of the Christian celebrations than Mr Watson has.

My Christmas day is very different and in total respect for the Christian God's mission, as I will celebrate it with a simple vegetarian meal and an alcohol-free day sitting with my friends and comrades discussing how to make this world a better place to live, including the ten instructions this God left behind for humankind to live and enjoy their lives together in peace and harmony.

To me, that is Christmas, and the other with trees, lights and a day of mass and over-indulgences is a pagan celebration of choice.

I chose the latter one.

Peter Sowerby,
Lavington Gardens,
North Baddesley,

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