THESE are some of the best photographs taken for the Hampshire Camera Clubs this week.

From foggy parks to peculiar-looking mushrooms, we've selected six photos from across the camera club to feature in this gallery.

This month's theme is "spooky season", and some of the chosen photos are examples of this.

In no particular order: 

  1. Lapwings by Daniel Brown for the Hampshire Chronicle Camera Club.
  2. A parrot waxcap by Sheila Anne Williams for the Hampshire Chronicle Camera Club.
  3. Hackwood Park by Anthony Hutchinson for the Basingstoke Gazette Camera Club.
  4. A squirrel by David Levy for the Basingstoke Gazette Camera Club.
  5. An owl by Pete Taylor for the Andover Advertiser Camera Club.
  6. Weymouth Harbour by George Clark for the Andover Advertiser Camera Club.