I WANT to bring to everyone’s attention the incompetence of Winchester City Council in dealing with problems. During the summer I had a new door fitted at my flat, it seemed fine but was very sticky and gluey. When I went to go out, I couldn’t open the door because it was glued tight. I had to get a neighbour to come and force it open to get me out!

The firm that fitted it were very good, came back, washed it and kept checking it was ok, so it was passed. A few weeks after the council phoned me to say they were putting on another door, this was done, and it was fine.

Then out of the blue, the council phoned me again a few weeks later to say they were putting on another door. I explained I already had another door, but she insisted that I had to have it, and it would be done on the 9th of October all costing extra!

On October 9, I phoned the council to find the time they were coming and was told nothing was booked, I said quote “But you insisted I had it even though it wasn’t needed” unquote. She said it’s not booked here. 

Twenty minutes after this a man rang my doorbell and lo and behold said “I have a new door for you”. By this time, I’m having a mental breakdown!! I explained to the man what happened, he checked the door, said it was fine, didn’t need replacing and left.

So, I suppose all this rigmarole with the Council who supposedly are short of cash will no doubt be passing the costs on to me when the door is supposed to be free. 

On top of this, the amended yearly statement came in after the sum of £54.80 was charged instead of £546.93 leaving a debit to us of £346.47??

We have to pay for anyone dumping goods on our patch even though they don’t live here and come at night from all over the place, and we have to foot the bill. We have complained about this to the council, but it falls on deaf ears.

Can we trust this Council with our hard-earned money or are they incapable of our trust with anything! There is something wrong with this Council’s admin dept, no wonder they are in debt! So much money is wasted. 


Mrs P. Dollery,

Winnall Manor Road,




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