A HAMPSHIRE villager has spoken of his grief after his Yorkshire terrier was killed in a gruesome attack.

Budleigh, Bud for short, was Roy Weeks-Martin's "mate" until a morning in August, when the pet was mauled to death by another dog in his home village of Awbridge.

Now, Roy has written an "ode" to his beloved pooch, describing the killing as "horrific" and "tragic".

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Bud on one of his walks (Image: Roy Weeks-Martin) He writes: "Sadly, on that late August morning Bud was feeling good. It was a lovely sunny morning and a walk around our lovely village would be just what Bud needed, so, when he saw the dog leads come out, he just wanted to go out with his mate Albie. 

"How could we refuse him? But I so wish we did. What if it was raining that morning like it had done for months? Bud never liked the rain. What if Bud woke up in a solemn mood and fancied a duvet day?

"So many what-ifs. What if we were just five minutes later or five minutes earlier leaving the house? Bud’s path would never have crossed with the dog that would come to kill him."

Roy remembered "how special Bud was, not only to us, but to everyone that knew him. Everyone loved Bud. I know we all think our dogs are amazing, which they are, but Bud was truly special in every sense. He never experienced anything bad in his life and therefore never saw bad or danger in anyone or anything. He was not street-wise, just a simple home-loving, pipe and slippers type dog – a gentle little soul."

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He added: "All we wanted to say to the villagers of Awbridge, some of whom we know personally and some of whom we don’t, is thank you so much for all the heartfelt condolences along with the beautiful flowers that have been placed where Bud’s last walk took place.

"Bud never got the opportunity to say goodbye to us or his mates. This special time in a dog’s life to say goodbye was cruelly taken from him and this is the least that Bud deserved for all the love and comfort he gave us and others during his 13¾ years. I will continue to think, 'what if!'"

A police investigation into the incident is ongoing.