A CITY councillor has called on campaigners to divert their attention in their battle to stop the closure and diversion of a main road in Winchester.

The Kings Barton Residents Association (KBRA) has been fighting to stop the diversion of Andover Road through the growing estate. The switch was agreed as long ago as 2012 as part of the planning permission for the 2,000-home housing development.

Cllr Steve Cramoysan says the diversion cannot be stopped by the city or county councils and only by the developer Cala Homes which is unlikely. "The only way to change it is if Cala were to voluntarily decide to create a new masterplan and go through the planning process again, which would be very costly and risky for them."

He said that instead the KBRA should focus on getting Cala Homes to finish Winchester Avenue, the 'spine road' though the estate along which the Andover Road traffic will flow. At the moment the road is incomplete, with north and south ends.

(Image: Newsquest)

"The spine road through Kings Barton is needed.  If it is not there,  the neighbourhood centre (village centre in layman's language) which consists of a mid-sized supermarket,  five smaller shops,  pub,  community centre and a nursery does not happen.

"Getting the spine road built is a priority. Cala will still likely drag their feet. If the people campaigning to keep Andover Road were to put their campaign energies into putting pressure on Cala to get the spine road done, and to bring forward the neighbourhood centre, it might be we could embarrass Cala into getting things done sooner.  "

But the KBRA disagree with Cllr Cramoysan's view. KBRA chairman Mike Slinn said the campaign had changed tack and was now focussing on the proposed development of the nearby Sir John Moore Barracks: "We are not now pressing for the diversion to be stopped. We recognise that despite the Secretary of State telling us that KBRA's case for reconsideration of the closure of Andover Road is good, unless Cala and the city and county councils are all prepared to reconsider then this is not going to happen.

"Our recent petition, which gained 3,300 signatures, is about requiring the permission for the barracks to be dependent on Andover Road being kept open or re-opened."

READ MORE HERE: Former Winchester care home goes on the market

Mr Slinn added: "The spine road, Winchester Avenue should have been opened connecting the two completed phases (1A and 1B of the development) at least five years ago as a requirement by the city council so yes of course this needs to be completed urgently to join the two currently separate parts of the Kings Barton community".

Cllr Cramosyan says completing the spine road would also benefit public transport, enabling a proper bus service.

"The neighbour centre also includes a car park to service the shops, pub and community centre.  But it is close to the school gate,  so parents who are bringing their kids in from further than walking distance can stop in the car park and drop off close to the close.

"The reason that matters is that the current access road to the school was never designed to receive the volume of vehicles it gets now, so drop off and pick up times there is often a jam of cars with drivers moving back and forth with kids milling around.  A potential safety risk.

"The community centre will of course allow the local people to build up a whole raft of community activities but it will also serve as the polling station for Kings Barton. Every year people complain that most people in Kings Barton have to vote in the Jubilee Hall in Kings Worthy."

At the moment Cala is working to getting the road open by early 2026.

Ian Curry, Cala technical director, told the recent Kings Barton Forum: "We are aware it's frustrating for people wanting to get it done as quickly as possible. (The final section) has been priced; it's ready to go as soon as we are able to get the technical approval (from the county council)".

The Chronicle recently reported that the opening should happen at 650 housing units completed. There are currently 618.