DEVELOPERS will miss the trigger date for a controversial new through route at a Winchester housing estate.

CALA Homes is supposed to switch a major road from Andover Road to Winchester Avenue through the Kings Barton estate once 650 homes have been occupied.

But CALA says the switch will not be made until early 2026 even though 618 unts are now occupied and the 650-target is likely to be hit in early 2025.

There are currently 618 completed units on the estate, compared to 562 in March.

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Ian Curry, technical director of CALA, told the Kings Barton Forum that there were legal issues to be resolved with Hampshire County Council, the highways authority.

"We are aware it is a frustration for people wanting to get it done as quickly as possible. It's been priced, it's ready to go as soon as we can get the technical approval."

Forum chairman Steve Cramoysan said: "The public are concerned this 'spine road' (through Kings Barton) isn't coming through at the trigger point that was expected.

"What assurances can be given that it's going to be next year when at least we can see how it's starting to shape up? Or could this be delayed again?

"We get asked this a lot (by the public). There's a section 106 legal agreement but it is not going to happen by 650 completions."

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A campaign is still running to stop the diversion of Andover Road. The residents association has recently written to the Government seeking them to alter the planning permission granted by the Secretary of State around 10 years ago.

When 650 homes have been built the Andover Road is scheduled by a s106 legal agreement to be diverted through the state. At the current rate of construction the estate will be finished in around 2035.

The forum heard plans may be hit by the £200m scheme to alter the M3 junction 9 scheme at Winnall. Jo Holmes, county council said: "The biggest risk is outside of anyone's control, potentially the works on M3 junction 9. The development consent order potentially clashes with traffic management diversions."

The official diversion will likely be through the northern part of the development at the junction with Harestock Road.

Ms Holmes said: "We are working with National Highways, liaising with them to understand what the traffic management will look like and whether it will impact and delay Winchester Avenue. Their scheme has priority. It might transpire that there isn't a clash, I'm just highlighting it as a risk""

The forum heard there will be a public consultation over sports pitches but restricted to residents of Manley Road. Mike Slinn, chair of the Kings Barton Residents Association supported by Cllr Jackie Porter, said it should be wider because many other people might be affected by noise and lights.

It also discussed the current traffic bottleneck congestion at the Barton Farm Academy. More parents are driving their children to school than was originally envisaged. It had been thought that all pupils would live locally. In the long term another road would serve the school, said Viv Hill, Cala head of design.

A community centre is due to be opened by 800 completions, still several years away. Construction will start at 700 completions, in about a year's time.