Here are the latest planning applications submitted to Winchester City Council.

Bishop’s Waltham

24/01956/FUL, Applicant name withheld, (S19) Vary Condition 2 (drawings) of 23/00448/LIS: - minor reduction and reconfiguration to floorplans and external design/fenestration, increase built distance from listed wall (north), air source heat pump and PV installations (amended proposal), The Old Forge, Brook Street.

24/01979/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 44 Ashton Close.

Compton and Shawford

24/01964/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Two Bridges, 2 Otterbourne Road.


24/01971/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Sherecroft Gardens.


24/01981/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Demolition of existing outbuilding. Construction of extension to existing residential dwelling, Furzeley Farm, Furzeley Corner.

24/01986/LDC, Applicant name withheld, The front porch has been constructed larger than that shown on original planning permission. Planning enforcement has requested that this application be made, Barn Green Cottage, The Green, Southwick Road.

Headbourne Worthy

24/02000/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 20 Nations Hill.


24/01957/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Rear extension, 86 Main Road.

24/01960/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Installation of hot tub with pergola structure over for shading, 42 Main Road.

Littleton and Harestock

24/01938/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 22 Dale Close.


24/01882/FUL, Applicant name withheld, New three Bedroom self-build dwelling, Primrose Patch, 42 Grange Road.

24/01966/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Wykeham House, 11 Mill Hill

24/01959/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Demolition of existing consevatory. Erection of a single storey rear extension and front bay window. Alterations to fenestration and exterior materials, 5 Green Close, Old Alresford.


24/01949/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Yellow Dot Nursery, Otterbourne Hill.

24/01983/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Arnage, Norlands Drive.


24/00807/HCS, Applicant name withheld, REVISED APPLICATION - Retrospective planning application for the change of use to open storage of recycled aggregate materials; the retention of ancillary office, workshop and hardstanding; and associated works, Shedfield Equestrian Centre, Lockhams Recycling Ltd, Botley Road.

24/01862/HCS, Applicant name withheld, Extension and reconfiguration of Silverlake Garage including; construction of new reverse production line ELV dismantling building with offices, parts storage and distribution hub, and R&D facility; construction of Electric Vehicle (EV) Battery Removal building; demolition of existing workshops and stores buildings; new entrance off A334 (Botley Road); new staff parking area (200 spaces); new landscape planting and habitat creation; and upgraded drainage infrastructure, Silverlake Automotive Recycling, Botley Road, Shedfield.

South Wonston

24/01944/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 25 Waverley Drive.

24/01982/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Two storey extension to enlarge dining room and kitchen and add bedroom with en-suite, 135 Downs Road.


24/01629/HCS, Applicant name withheld, Proposed installation of a Motor Control Centre Kiosk, Wickham Wastewater Treatment Works, Tanfield Lane.

Winchester Town

24/01347/LIS, Applicant name withheld, 1. Replace 3no. fire doors (1A, 1B, 1C, on the plan); 2. Paint 3no. fire doors (1A, 1B, 1C); 3A. Remove disused door and add 1no. internally-illuminated poster frame for context board; 3B. Vinyl applied to lower window along Tower Street; 4. Replace and reposition logo lettering using dark blue colour; 5. Render the section of brick wall between the currently rendered section and the Theatre's Dock Doors; 6. Paint wall artwork design on south wall elevation; 7. Insert 6no. down lights along the top of the building to light wall and asphalt art, Theatre Royal Winchester, 21 - 23 Jewry Street.

24/01775/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Single storey rear extension, three additional side windows, two rooflights and a flue. Replacement surface finish to the front of the property and fencing to the rear and front. Air source heat pump. Car charging point to the front of the property, 5 Milman Court, 25B Parchment Street.

24/01873/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Single storey side extension.  Removal of existing pylon sign with proposed repositioned pylon sign.  Proposed alteration to forecourt layout and surface materials, St Cross Filling Station, 43 St Cross Road.

24/01883/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Change of use from 5-bedroom HMO (Use Class C4) to a children’s care home (Use Class C2), 24 St Mary Street.

24/01899/AVC, Applicant name withheld, A. Repaint/reposition the Theatre Royal Winchester logo on the Tower Street facing wall along with other new design that extends onto the Tower Street pavement/road; B. Change the colour of the logo lettering from grey to dark blue (pantone 648c) C. Add an internally illuminated poster frame at A1 size to explain new design context; D. Add an ACM vinyl wayfinder onto a boarded up window recess; E. Install 6no. downlights to Tower Street, Theatre Royal Winchester, 21 - 23 Jewry Street.

24/01919/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Demolish and rebuild two sections of wall - one section is attached to 44-46 Kingsgate Road (Mill Road) which is Grade II curtilage listed and the other section of wall is adjacent to Winchester College Cricket ground entrance, Kingsgate Road (gate posts to also be demolished and rebuilt) - to facilitate a construction vehicle delivery access route, Winchester College, Kingsgate Road.

24/01942/AVC, Applicant name withheld, Fascia sign and projecting sign to advertise the new operation, 73 St Georges Street.

24/01952/TPC, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 3 St Giles Court, Alresford Road.

24/01958/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Three-storey rear extension and associated alterations, 4 Avenue Road.

24/01961/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Proposed removal of existing single storey rear extension and construction of new rear single and double storey extensions, White Gates, Milnthorpe Lane.

24/01962/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Primrose Court, Holly Meadows.

24/01965/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, Terwick, 56 Dean Lane.

24/01968/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 17 Langham Place.

24/01970/TPO, Applicant name withheld, Tree works, 2 Twiss Square.

24/01980/TPC, Applicant name withheld, 16 Back Street.

24/01985/AVC, Applicant name withheld, Proposed partially price illuminated pylon signage to replace the existing.  Letter illuminated wall mounted sign board to retail building.  Wall mounted non-illuminated clip sign board, site welcome sign, water & disabled parking signage.  Bus stop fuel pump numbering & branding to fuel pumps and branding to pump filler units.  Suspended clearance canopy sign, St Cross Filling Station, 43 St Cross Road.

24/01995/HOU, Applicant name withheld, Replacement of precast concrete garage fronting, Mews Lane with brick and flint garage, 12 St James Lane.

24/01997/FUL, Applicant name withheld, Use of part of car park as a last mile logistics hub, Multi Storey Car Park, Friarsgate.