The UK's first carbon calculator for recycled and upcycled second-hand goods has been launched.

The calculator, created by Emmaus Hampshire, was launched on Tuesday, September 24, by Winchester MP Danny Chambers.

It was created by formerly homeless Emmaus companion John Jarrett.

The calculator is the first of its kind in the UK and is designed to measure the amount of CO2e saved by recycling and upcycling second-hand goods.

READ MORE: Charity fashion show in Winchester to highlight second-hand clothing

John Jarrett of Emmaus Hampshire discusses the Carbon Calculator with Winchester MP Danny Chambers (Image: Emmaus Hampshire) Dr Chambers said: "This carbon calculator shows just how much talent is locked up in many of our citizens who, for various reasons, have become homeless.

"Not only is it innovative, but it demonstrates how much value Emmaus Hampshire contributes to our society. If we support charities like this, we can unlock much more of that talent."

The launch of the calculator was accompanied by displays around Emmaus Hampshire's three social enterprise stores and information for donors.

Emmaus Hampshire chief executive Nigel Samuels said: "We give the homeless a hand up, not a handout. Danny understands how our model of providing purpose through work, accommodation, and a community sets our companions on the path to independent living.

"It’s great to have his support for our environmental efforts too."

SEE MORE: Everything you need to know as the city gets ready to celebrate Green Week

Emmaus Hampshire is already a winner in the Winchester Business Excellence Awards.

After the launch, Dr Chambers discussed issues affecting homelessness and met several of the companions for a coffee and cake and toured the gardens.

He said: "Residents can help Emmaus tackle homelessness by donating clothes, furniture, and other items for recycling.

"And they can protect the environment by buying second-hand from the charity rather than buying new. We can all do our bit in Winchester Green Week and beyond."