THIEVES have been breaking into cars parked in countryside car parks in the Winchester area.

The police are appealing for witnesses and motorists with dashcam footage to come forward following a number of thefts.

They have received 12 reports of thefts from vehicles on Friday September 20 and Saturday September 21.

Five related to thefts from cars parked at the Old Winchester Hill nature reserve near West Meon.

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These took place between 2pm and 7pm on Saturday September 21. A number of cars were damaged, and some items were stolen, including a child’s buggy and gym clothes.

On the same day, there was a theft from a vehicle parked in Beacon Hill Road, in nearby Exton. A purse containing banks cards and money was stolen.

Four other thefts took place in the Avington Park/Easton area on the same afternoon. In one case, a car window was smashed and a bag containing a passport, phone and bank cards was taken.

Other reports include the theft of number plates from a vehicle parked in Abbottstone Wood, near Alresford, between 2pm and 5pm on Friday September 20, and number plates stolen from a van parked in Upper Church Road, Shedfield, sometime between Friday September 20and 9.30am on Sunday September 22.

Old Winchester Hill near West Meon (Image: Alex Cassels)

Officers are conducting enquiries and are looking to see whether all the incidents are linked.

Contact the police on 101. Alternatively, information can be submitted via our website:



We want to take this opportunity to remind you of some crime prevention advice.

Most offences of theft from vehicle are opportunist. If valuable possessions such as handbags, laptops, mobile phones are left on show inside a vehicle, it is much more likely to be targeted by thieves.

Even items of little value, such as shopping bags and clothing, may tempt a potential thief to break into the vehicle to see whether they contain anything worth stealing.

Make sure to physically check that doors and window are locked, especially if you have used the remote to lock the vehicle, then look inside again to make sure you’ve not left anything behind.

See below for more tips on how to keep your vehicle safe:

Beauty Spot Vehicle Advice

  • Before you leave home, think about what you need and leave any unnecessary items of value at home.
  • Try to park in sign-posted parking areas.
  • Be cautious about parking your car in isolation. Thieves can be put off when other people are around.
  • Do not leave anything in your vehicle. A jacket or coat left behind may be of very little value to you, but a thief may think it has been used to hide a laptop or handbag and will break into your vehicle to find out.
  • Take items with you rather than locking them in the boot, you can’t be sure who has seen you do this.
  • Make sure you do not leave documents which have your personal details on in your vehicle.
  • Remember to lock all windows and sunroofs and lock all doors. Try the handle to check it's locked and look inside again to make sure you haven’t left anything behind.
  • Make use of any security products you might have such as steering locks.
  • Whilst enjoying the sights make sure you keep your bag and possessions with you.

Further information and advice on how to keep your vehicle secure can be found on our website: