My good friend John Boardman is the only all electric taxi operating in Winchester and this has been the case since John bought his EV vehicle some years ago.

John has explained to me in detail the challenges he faces with running an all-electric taxi. Interestingly the Council has got an EV Infrastructure Policy dating back to October 2018 which mentions EV super chargers specifically for taxis yet nothing has happened.  

In light of John’s experience with his taxi I asked to address the Council’s Health and Environment Policy Committee last January to raise the issues John has experienced.  Although I received platitudes for my remarks there seemed little interest in addressing the practical issues facing any taxi driver looking to switch to an all-electric vehicle.

John and I called into the Council for a scheduled meeting with a senior Cabinet member but sadly although the meeting was arranged for their convenience, they forgot to turn up and never re-arranged the meeting. All incredibly frustrating for John (and me). 

As someone who tries to walk everywhere I am acutely aware of air quality and the effects of carbon powered vehicles on the environment. Taxis represent a significant percentage of vehicle movements in the city centre, particularly on the Romsey Road where the air quality is at dangerously poor levels. I innocently assumed that the current Council leadership (Lib Dem) would share my grave concerns however sadly this isn’t the case.

What is galling is that the super EV charging hub currently being constructed at Three Maids Hill was recommended for refusal with the planning officer actually quoting the EV Strategy Policy to support the reasons for refusal.

At the last moment the Portfolio Holder for Climate Change (Cllr Learney) turned up at the planning meeting to support the application yet didn’t write in supporting it when the application was being assessed.  

If we are serious about arresting climate change then we can’t leave it all to central government and we need to take responsibility locally. I haven’t flown for over 15 years and gave up my car over six years ago so I hope I am taking climate seriously but is the current administration in Winchester?

Green washing comes to mind I’m afraid.

Ian Tait, 

Romsey Road, 


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