A COUNCILLOR has raised fears that a potential site for a GP surgery in Bishop's Waltham may be unviable because no-one knows who owns the land.

Cllr Steve Miller, who represents Bishop's Waltham, raised the issue at full Council.

He asked: "At the meeting of the Council held on 28th August, the submission of the Local Plan regulation 19 was approved. It included the site at Tollgate Mill in Bishop's Waltham as a possible site for a doctors’ surgery. Something that is very much needed and welcomed by many residents.

"However, I understand that this must have been included without the consent of the landowner, as at present, it seems it has not been possible to establish who does own this land. Does inclusion of that site, which it seems is unlikely to be deliverable, mean that part of the plan is unsound?”

Cllr Jackie Porter, Cabinet Member for Place and Local Plan, said the council has been in touch with the landowner's agent to establish its availability.

Cllr Miller said he was worried the site might be unavailable.

Cllr Porter said: "My understanding is not the same (as yours). I know conversations have been had, We will keep all councillors up to date."