I am writing to express my concern regarding a lack of adherence to the Nolan Principles. Since 1995, these principles have been the ethical standards expected of elected officials. The principles which include selflessness, integrity, objectivity, accountability, openness, honesty, and leadership, are fundamental to maintaining trust in public life.

Recent media reports reveal lapses in upholding these principles. For instance, former Winchester MP Steve Brine faced scrutiny, whilst he was Chair of the Commons Health Committee, for financial ties with Remedium Partners, who wanted to supply the NHS with anaesthetists. Such situations undermine public trust and highlight the need for stricter adherence to the Nolan Principles.

My primary concern, however, is the recent revelation regarding the Liberal Democrats receiving sizeable donations of £29,600 from Paul Greenwood, chairman of Esso UK Ltd (part of ExxonMobil). The donations appear to have contributed to the election campaign of Danny Chambers, our new MP for Winchester, who’s post-election party was also hosted by Mr Greenwood at his house in Alresford.

ExxonMobil has been a leader in climate change denial, even though it has been found that their scientists have been making accurate forecasts about future rises in temperatures since the 1970s. During the current climate crisis, it is crucial that our leaders demonstrate a clear commitment to environmental sustainability and ethical governance. Such financial ties with the fossil fuel industry raise significant ethical questions and potential conflicts of interest.

Danny Chambers has also been appointed by his peers to the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons and has been involved in various global health projects. An MP with this background should be well-positioned to advocate for broader environmental policies and support a more sustainable future.

I call on all public officials to uphold the Nolan Principles and align their actions with the highest standards of ethical conduct. Additionally, I encourage the public to hold their representatives accountable. I, for one, will be closely monitoring Danny Chambers’ voting record. Together, we can ensure our government officials adhere to these standards and lead by example in the fight against climate change.

Ben Marsh,

Winnall Manor Road,



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