PLANS to demolish a social club in Winchester city centre will be discussed this week.

Planning agents Southern Planning Practice has applied to Winchester City Council to tear down the RAOB club in Cross Keys Passage and redevelop the site into a block of flats.

The building would consist of six flats, three with one bedroom and three with two bedrooms, a communal roof terrace, and a 75 sqm commercial/retail unit on the ground floor.

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The former RAOB ClubThe former RAOB Club (Image: Chris Atkinson)

City council planning officers have recommended the application be refused, due to it failing to recognise, protect and enhance the surrounding character of the area including its historic features. The officers have also said that the proposal results in an overbearing presence and harms the setting of surrounding listed buildings.

The application will be discussed by Winchester City Council’s planning committee on Wednesday, September 25.

Three letters from the public objecting to the application have been received by the city council. The council has also received 10 letter supporting the plans.

Rebecca Hiscock, of Colebrook Street, objected to the plans. She said: “I would like to object to this development as its scale is not in keeping with the buildings in the vicinity and would then set a precedent for further large scale buildings. Winchester is a historic market town for those of us who are lucky enough to live here. For others it is a place of opportunity to make huge amounts of money from the high property values. This dichotomy has been sadly apparent in too many developments over the years, giving rise to a distorted sky line and a mish mash of styles and scales.”

The City of Winchester Trust has also objected, saying that it “has a number of concerns about the contribution that this proposed development will make to the regeneration of the Central Area and the character of the Winchester Conservation Area. These concerns include the height of the proposed building, the details and the curtilage and the surrounding area.

The trust said that it wishes to see the application withdrawn and amended.

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Martin Ahmed, of Whiteshute Lane, St Cross, wrote in support, saying: “The (Cross Keys) passage is in desperate need of attention and the scheme offers retail and much needed residential accommodation and in my opinion is fresh and sympathetic hopefully kick starting the much needed regeneration.”

Sam Oakley, of Nuns Road, Hyde, also supported the application, saying: “The site is currently a mess, it feels dangerous with broken glass regularly found on the ground due to the dilapidated and poorly lit area. A redeveloped plot would help to ensure the area feels more safe, clean and approachable, which it does not today.”

The application will be discussed at the planning committee on Wednesday, September 25.

More information on the application can be found by visiting the Winchester City Council planning portal and searching using reference 22/01961/FUL.