A LANDOWNER has thanked the fire service after a huge blaze broke out in outbuildings on his land. 

James, who lives next to the former Cherrywood Lodge Riding Stables in Webbs Green, Soberton, with his wife Megan said he was still ‘shell shocked’ after the fire, which took hold late on Friday, September 20. 

James, who didn’t want his surname published, said: “The fire service were brilliant. They were lovely, they couldn’t have been nicer. There were seven fire engines here at one time and they did a great job.” 

The large blaze saw fire crews from Cosham, Fareham, Botley, Southsea, Havant and Portchester rush to action, just before 9pm. 

Several buildings including an empty stable block were fully alight when firefighters arrived.

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Wearing breathing apparatus, firefighters began fighting the fire with jets. Several gas cylinders were removed from the scene to prevent them becoming involved. 

A number of chickens were also moved away from the fire. 

James said: “Luckily there was nothing in there really, just junk, it’s old stables, we don’t use them. It could’ve been worse. No one was hurt. You have to count your blessings.” 

He said they still not sure what caused the fire, with people speculating it could have been caused by rats chewing through electricity cables or from a nearby bonfire spreading underground.  

The fire was put out by 11.30pm when the incident was scaled down to two pumps before fire crews carried out a reinspection at 6am

James said they would now be taking some time to deal with the aftermath and considering what to do with the land.