STAFF and pupils at a Winchester primary school are celebrating after receiving a “good” Ofsted rating.

Weeke Primary School, in Stoney Lane, received the rating after it was assessed on Wednesday, July 3, and Thursday, July 4.

The school had previously been rated as “good” when it was inspected in 2015.

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Jonathan Kirkham with Weeke Primary School pupilsJonathan Kirkham with Weeke Primary School pupils (Image: Weeke Primary School)

The latest Ofsted report says: “There has been no change to this school's overall judgement of good as a result of this ungraded (section 8) inspection. However, the evidence gathered suggests that the inspection grade might be outstanding if a graded (section 5) inspection were carried out now.”

The report continues: “Pupils flourish at Weeke Primary School and benefit from ‘irresistible learning’, which is one of its key aims. The school has an unwavering determination to provide the highest quality of education to all pupils.

“This school is very self-reflective. It is constantly striving to deliver the best provision for all of its pupils. A highly ambitious curriculum has been implemented that enables pupils, including those with SEND, to achieve highly. From the start of early years, pupils become confident and articulate learners. They relish the opportunity to discuss their learning and take pride in their successes.”

Jonathan Kirkham, head teacher, told the Chronicle he is proud of the latest Ofsted result.

He said: “We’re extremely proud. I’ve been the headteacher here since 2019, and the developments that we’ve made at the school have been positive developments, and they’ve meant that our children get what we feel is a rich, exciting and vibrant experience.

“As for the Ofsted report itself; I’ve been in this job for 25 years, and I haven’t read an Ofsted report like it. We always reflect, as headteachers, what we can do better, but I don’t think I’ve read a report that is as glowing about a school, so I’m really proud. I’m really proud of the whole team, the whole community, and it’s a really positive place to be.”

Mr Kirkham said that he believes part of the reason why Weeke Primary School got such a good Ofsted report is due to developments the school has made over the past few years. These include a new, modern school hall, a forest school programme allowing children to learn outside, and a new, all-purpose outdoor learning space for early-years and Key Stage 1 pupils as well as a yurt for pupils to learn in.

Pupils at Weeke Primary SchoolPupils at Weeke Primary School (Image: Weeke Primary School)

He continued: “There’s a new Ofsted framework, which is going to change anyway, but it was something I hadn’t experienced before, but it is a framework where the headteacher doesn’t get involved anywhere near as much over those two days. If I were to give a shout-out to anybody it would be my whole team.

“They were fantastic. They were open, they were professional and it was just so nice to see a team working together.”

For more information about Weeke Primary School, visit its website.