MORE than 200 free events took place across the county as the ninth annual Winchester Heritage Open Days (WHODs) festival took place last week. 

From exciting talks on historical figures and behind-the-scenes tours of places not usually open to the public, to workshops on designing mosaics and guided walks through picturesque local scenery, visitors were spoilt for choice.

Chair of Hampshire History Trust, Liz King said: “The Heritage Open Days Festival has been a record year, with more than 200 events in and around Winchester. With such enthusiasm from event holders and festival-goers alike, I look forward to building on this success to offer a growing number of events across Hampshire in future years. Thank you so much for all those who have hosted a festival event - we couldn't do it with you.”

To mark the 30th anniversary of Heritage Open Days an optional theme of ‘Routes, Networks and Connections' was chosen to celebrate the ways in which we are brought together through history and heritage.

Winchester Muse Poetry teamed up with Friends of King Alfred Buses to share poems exploring the festival theme, and the Hospital of St Cross took visitors on Blue Badge tours around the grounds with guide Clare Dixon while touching on Routes, Networks and Connections.

Some other event highlights included…

  • Over 300 visitors attending lead sponsor Winchester College’s events including tours, family-friendly craft workshops and an open choir rehearsal with the Winchester College Quiristers
  • Hampshire Regency Dancers bringing Bridgerton to life at the Great Hall
  • A special Hampshire Histbites podcast episode with Hampshire History Trust patron Dan Snow.

Festival Director Nicky Gottlieb said: "It’s fantastic how so many events are popping up all across Hampshire now. When I took HODs on nine years ago I had no idea it would become this popular, but I’m thrilled that it has and hope it continues to thrive. As always, I’m incredibly grateful to our lead sponsor Winchester College, as well as all our other sponsors, organisers, supporters and volunteers - you’ve all been amazing and I’ve loved working with you all. I’m excited to see where HODs goes from here and look forward to its continued success."

If you’d like to share your experience at this year's Winchester Heritage Open Days festival,  head over to and fill out the form.

Hampshire History Trust was set up to promote and advance the rich and diverse history and heritage of the county and to run free and low-cost educational projects for the public benefit. 

Hampshire History Trust (HHT) organises Winchester Heritage Open Days (WHODs) every year. WHODs is a FREE 10-day festival of history and heritage in Winchester and surrounding areas.