A CALL is being made for artists to come forward and support an event that aims to celebrate creativity, connection, and community engagement.

The event, called arTTable, will offer an opportunity for the public to get an intimate glimpse into their artistic processes, allowing them to explore sketchbooks, view works-in-progress, and interact with the artists behind the creations.

The concept behind arTTable was created with the help of the Artists At The Arc Networking Group. 

Each artist will curate their own table, transforming it into a personalised space as mini-exhibitions or installations, while others may choose to work live, offering demos and showcasing creative process.

Artists will be able to sell work/take commission details, but the primary focus of arTTable is on connecting with the community, sharing artistic practices, and fostering a dialogue between artists and the public.

Stephen Cooper, organiser, said: "This is not a maker's market, this is a celebration of fine art and studio practice.

"arTTable is designed to create a platform for meaningful interactions between artists and the community, where art is not just seen but experienced and understood. It's an opportunity for the audience to appreciate the depth of the creative process and for artists to receive feedback and connect with others who share their interest in art." 

It will take place at the Arc, in Jewry Street, Winchester, within the performance hall, on Saturday,  September 21 from 11am until 3pm. There is a cost of £10 per table to participate.

To register go to bit.ly/3XL6UgI