I FULLY understand the strength of feeling held by Winchester residents and users of the Cart and Horses junction (ref: ‘Going round in circles over dangerous Cart and Horses junction’,  Chronicle comment, September 5) – this has been demonstrated not only in the pages of your paper, but also in valuable feedback from recent engagement events during our consultation on possible long-term improvements.

Reflecting the concerns from residents, positive changes have already been delivered. In May this year, our traffic engineers installed various safety improvements at the junction. This included changing ‘give way’ signs to ‘stop signs’ on the B3047, and the installation of an electronic speed indicator device on the southbound A33 approach.

Collectively, this is designed to complement the existing vehicle-activated warning sign on the northbound A33 approach that alerts drivers to be cautious of traffic turning or entering from side roads at the intersection ahead. Recognising the strength of local feeling about this junction, last year we developed designs for how the junction could be developed through either the introduction of traffic signals or the construction of two roundabouts. Over 200 people attended engagement events on our proposals, and almost 900 people responded to the online survey. The designs, the information supporting this work, and reports of the engagement can be found on our website: https://www.hants.gov.uk/transport/transportschemes/cart-and-horses-junctionimprovements.

The junction itself is jointly managed with National Highways and any scheme will need a jointly agreed approach. Regrettably, the Secretary of State for Transport at that time did not accept our case to include further upgrades as part of National Highways’ M3 Junction 9 scheme, which was given the go-ahead earlier this year.

We are still talking to National Highways to see if there is any way by which we can deliver our preferred scheme alongside their Junction 9 improvements.

Additionally, Winchester City Council has a significant role to play in helping deliver the scheme. The development proposals in their revised Local Plan may well help with developer contributions to enable the scheme, and we are working with Cllr Porter as the City’s Planning Portfolio Holder to deliver this. We continue too, to make the case to the Government and National Highways to also contribute funding to enable the delivery of the development of the Cart and Horses junction.

Cllr Nick Adams-King,


Hampshire County Council,

The Castle,
