A FEMALE-FOCUSSED group in Winchester will be holding another meeting soon.

Sharon Worth, a menopause coach, personal trainer and yoga teacher, specialises in supporting women with their health and well-being throughout the menopause transition and beyond.

Since March, she has hosted the Winchester version of the Menopause Cafe once a month at the Cabinet Rooms, with the aim of "encouraging open conversations about menopause, as it affects everyone, either directly or indirectly".

This is part of a wider initiative taken by the Menopause Cafe Charity, which relies on volunteers to host and facilitate gatherings across the country and overseas.

READ MORE: How long does the menopause last and what is perimenopause?

The Menopause Cafe in March (Image: Sharon Worth)

These events are open to all ages and genders, providing a safe and confidential space for discussion. You can find more details about what a Menopause Cafe entails here: Gather to eat cake, drink and discuss menopause (menopausecafe.net)

She says the staff at Cabinet Rooms have been incredibly supportive, generously providing their downstairs space for the gatherings.

Sharon said: "The cafe's strong focus on community made them the obvious choice when I was considering where to host the cafe."

Each month, Menopause Cafe welcomes between six and ten attendees, and Sharon says the feedback has been overwhelmingly positive. 

The next cafe is scheduled for September 19 from 5.30pm to 7.30pm, and bookings can be on Eventbrite.