TWO local gardening groups have put on a fruit-and-veg-filled bonanza.

St Cross Garden Society and Stanmore Gardening Club enjoyed another well-attended garden show, which fell this year on September 7th.

Despite the strange weather conditions over the summer, entries were strong across all categories for flowers, plants, vegetables, photography, cookery and craft.

Very strong submissions were received from Myrtle Cunningham who won the Alan Brodrick Cup for the most points in the show, the St Cross Rose Bowl for the most points in the flower classes and the Vere Dashwood Cup for floral art.

READ MORE: Chandler's Ford resident comes 2nd in gardening competition

Myrtle CunninghamMyrtle Cunningham (Image: Contributed)

Stuart Godding won the Brother Blake trophy for the second highest points in the show, the Theo Vermeyden Salver for the most points in fruit and vegetables and the Michael King Cup for most produce grown on an allotment. Sheila Price won  the Sheila Vermeyden Memorial cup for the most points in the cookery section.

Jack Lalonde, Laurance Mann and Sienna Ress shared the trophy for the Billington Cup for teenagers and Stan Walmsley-Christie came 8th overall across all classes at the age of nine because of his broad range of interesting submissions including photography.

The organisers were also delighted to receive entries from Olivers Battery Primary School, Colden Common Primary School, Redbridge Primary and  Beacon View Primary in Portsmouth.

All these schools participate in the Hampshire Gardens Trust sponsored “Edible Playground” schemes which helps to fund a weekly gardening session supported by volunteers in each of the schools.