Residents, staff, and family members at two care homes have made donations to foodbanks to help support the people who use them every week.  

Team members at Abbotts Barton care home situated on Worthy Road took part in a non-uniform day in return for gathering items that the home could donate to Winchester Basics Food Bank.  

The Home Manager at St Catherines View and the Team Leader, Vanda Baker and Laura Sheldrake, went in person to the Carroll Centre community hub to drop off the donations they had collected. 

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They met with the hub’s Community Development Officer, Jessica Giles to learn more about the support currently provided by the centre and discuss possible ways they could provide further aid to the community.  

Laura stated: ‘It was great to catch up with her and learn all about what the Centre has been doing to help the local community and possible ways we can support them in the future.’  

The organisers of National Food Bank Day have made calls for more support to aid the millions of people struggling to put food on the table in the UK. They say the reasons for this struggle can include but are not limited to illness, job loss, and unforeseen changes in circumstances that can happen at anytime.