I was recently house-sitting for my family in Chandlers Ford, and I bought a copy of the Hampshire Chronicle (August 22, 2024).

Your editorial comment ‘why we need to tackle graffiti’ struck a chord with me, as I have long been in battle with Cheltenham Borough Council. The inexorable rise of graffiti and ‘tagging’ is defacing every aspect of our beautiful regency town. Every wall, fence, and service box is a target for these selfish vandals and sadly, the council does not take the problem seriously because they encourage and support a ‘street art festival.’

Sadly, the criminals who daub their ugly messages are not artists but selfish vandals. It was a relief to be in Hampshire where clearly you have a more enlightened approach to this scourge. Thank you – I will pass on your article to our council leader.

Helen K. Little,

Knapp Road,


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