A TOY shop in Romsey town centre has announced that it is shutting its doors after more than 30 years.

Roundabout Toys, in The Hundred, will close on Saturday, September 21.

Shop manager Pat Quirke said that the closure is due to rising costs, as well as competition with the internet.

She told the Advertiser: “After 30 years of trading in Romsey, we are sad to be closing.

“Unfortunately, due to expenses rising, we can’t afford to stay open.”

She continued: “Everything is going up, the rent is going up.

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“Because of the internet, people are buying the bigger stuff online, so we’ve lost that. We can’t exist on pocket money toys. You can’t stay in business if you’re not making money.”

Ms Quirke said that the shop employs four part-timers including herself.

She wanted to thank customers for their support over the years, saying: “We would like to say a big thank you to all our loyal customers – it has been a privilege and a pleasure to serve you. In all the years, we have seen youngsters come in with their pocket money, who are now parents bringing their own children in. So, you’ll understand why we’re all sad at saying goodbye to you all.

“I think we’re going to miss the customers, some of them have become friends, and the regulars come in.

“Romsey is such a nice and happy place, you look forwards to going to work because of the people who come into the shop. Being a small shop we are able to help or advise the people who come in, and I think that is what the customers might miss.”