A MAN on trial for 11 alleged counts of sexual assault has denied that he was touching bottoms with sexual intent. 

Jason Colbourne, 55, formerly of Easton and currently living in Southampton, took the stand on Monday, September 9, after pleading not guilty to a range of offences committed against nine females between the ages of 15 and 45.

The accusations against Colbourne include him exposing his genitalia, sexually assaulting and insinuating he would rape the alleged victims between April and September 2023.

Having denied he touched any of the alleged victims' bottoms with sexual intent, Colbourne was questioned by the defence, Chloe Jay.

READ MORE: Trial begins of Hampshire man accused of multiple sexual offences

He said: "If I'm going past them I might sweep across their backside. It’s not actually on their bottom. It’s mainly on the cheek of their bottom. I’d just sort of tap them on the side to say I’m coming through."

Ms Jay asked: “Obviously, they’ve described it as more of a deliberate touching of their bum. What do you say about that?"

Colbourne replied: “Not true.” He then claimed he would frequently touch people 'on their hips' in order to let them know he was moving past them.

He continued.: "Usually if I want to get by anybody, I touch their hips and move them." He added that there was never any sexual intent on his part.

On another occasion, the defendant exposed himself to another of the alleged victims after making a joke about sausages, an episode he acknowledges happened.

He said: "On my behalf, it was very foolish. It was literally just a joke and we laughed it off. It was just a silly moment that I had."

Prosecutor Richard Witcombe went on to cross-examine the defendant, beginning with Colbourne's police interviews conducted after his arrest in October and November last year, the third and final of which he claimed not to remember.

During that interview, Colbourne chose to reply "no comment" to all of the questions put to him.

Mr Witcombe said: "I'm going to suggest that since that time you have come up with the idea that the touching of them was intentional but not sexual."

Colbourne replied: "I don't get any gratification from it. They do not do anything for me."

Mr Witcombe then said: "Whether [they're] attractive to you, Mr Colbourne, is neither here nor there."

To this, Colbourne replied: "It wouldn't bother me."

In another exchange between Mr Witcombe and Colbourne, the prosecutor asked: "Has [an alleged victim] come here to lie?"

"Yes. Well somebody's lying," said Colbourne.

Mr Witcombe then said: "Well you are," to which the defendant replied he wasn't.