WINCHESTER Sport and Leisure Centre is  exceeding its attendance targets, according to a council report.

The £40m centre opened in Bar End in May 2021 replacing the River Park Leisure Centre in Hyde.

In the 2024/25 financial year the centre has a target of 1.233m visitors. In the first quarter it achieved 339,755. The target for 2023/24 was 1.140m which was exceeded.

For concessionary rates, the 2024/25 target is 442,798. In the first quarter the number was 131, 095, also above target, said a report to the city council scrutiny committee.

(Image: Winchester Sport and Leisure Centre)

Work started on building in March 2019. The centre, built by Willmott Dixon, has a extensive pool facilities including a six-lane 50m main pool, teaching pool and splash pad, as well as The Pinder Hydrotherapy Centre providing a range of aquatic physiotherapy services.

It also has a 200-station gym, two large fitness studios, sports hall activities and climbing wall, plus beauty rooms and café.

The River Park Leisure Centre, as previously reported, is standing empty. It is on land that the city council has agreed to lease to Southampton University for an expansion of its School of Art campus.