Joanna Lewis writes (Chronicle, Letters, September 5) that it is ‘Time for a reality check’ after deciding to channel George Orwell regarding decisions on town planning.

Whilst Orwell wrote about the dangers of authoritarianism, I very much doubt he had the building of much-needed homes in mind. Winchester is in need of more homes. The average price of a home in the city and the changing demographics (from people born and raised here to wealthier people from places like London) reflect this. The country has failed to build enough homes for decades and subsequently we are experiencing an ‘affordable homes crisis’.

I pity the young and those without inherited wealth. The two ex-military sites in question are not areas of Green Belt, Winchester does not have a Green Belt as Joanna Lewis incorrectly suggests.

However, Winchester is abundant in green space, lots of it. We need to build more homes in the areas we can, like these which are not part of the national park or our wonderful rolling Hampshire Downs.

Time for a reality check, indeed.

Alex Oliver,

Elizabeth Place,

