The Winchester Worthies and the Titan Explorers delved into summer scouting abroad for the first time in August, journeying across five European countries.

An entire year of planning saw the adventurers raising funds for their trek through inventive means such as Tesco bag packing, selling cakes, hosting a school BBQ, and even selling manure.

Luxembourg's international scout camp in Wiltz served as their main base.

Following the group's arrival and setting up camp, they quickly set off to explore Wiltz before migrating to Esch-sur-Sûre, home to an ancient 10th-century castle.

From there, they embarked on a tour to the vibrant city of Maastricht that lies in the Netherlands.

The scouts learnt about the city's many sieges, its medieval living conditions, and how to operate cannons at Fort Sint Pieter.

The itinerary then led the group to the iconic Vianden Castle back in Luxembourg.

After feeding on the castle's historical allure, scenic chair lift rides offered further awe-inspiring Luxembourgish views.

With the allure of physics and the excitement of motion, Belgium's Walibi theme park became the highlight of the week.

The scouts gleefully claimed they were "learning about the physics of rollercoasters" during their eight-hour stay at the amusement park.

Trier, one of Germany's oldest towns, offered awe-inspiring Roman amphitheatre re-enactments.

The scouts then headed back to Luxembourg for a final day, observing how unusually quiet Luxembourg's cities were compared to those they knew back in the UK.

The last night at the campsite was one they will never forget, filled with songs and sketches by the campfire.

"The extraordinary harmonies were the perfect ending to a great camp," they added.

These scouts and leaders were not used to non-traditional outings such as this one, yet they embraced the opportunity to seize something new and to build memories they'd cherish for years.