RESIDENTS of a Hampshire village will meet to discuss Winchester City Council's decision to allocate land for a new housing estate.

Members of Wonston Parish Council are convening the meeting at short notice after a series of last-minute changes saw the scale of the project, located at Brightlands in Sutton Scotney, increase from 60 to 120 homes.

The increase is a result of the new Labour Government telling local authorities that many more houses need to be built. The number of houses required per year has gone up from 676 to 1,099, an increase of 62 per cent.

Parish Councillor Judy Polak said: "One hundred and twenty homes is totally out of proportion for this mid-sized village. The site known as Brightlands is sandwiched between the busy A34 and A30 and has already failed two noise level tests.

"Why on earth would anyone in their right mind wish to develop on this land with all the pollution and flood-related issues let alone the ongoing problems that many Sutton Scotney residents have with failures of sewage systems? These basic infrastructure problems can only be exacerbated by a further 120 homes."

READ MORE: Winchester local plan consultation criticised by parish councils

The site at Brightlands (Image: Contributed)

As well as the project's increased scope, parish councillors have pointed to the proposal being added to the city council's planning list with just eight days' notice.

Criticising the proposal, which is being overseen by developer Wates, is chair of the parish council, Pauline Maunder.

She said: "Wates have been invited to attend and show their proposals to the residents but have displayed no interest in doing so. Another developer, Pennybar who had proposed to develop another site in the village, which WCC chose to disregard, will be attending, ready to discuss their proposal with residents.

SEE ALSO: Winchester Conservatives back Lib Dems to hasten local plan process

"They will have a questionnaire for residents to complete which, we have been told, will be an opportunity for residents to have their say.

"As Wates are not attending and the residents need to see their proposals for the Brightlands site we will be displaying pictures and information about it and have compiled a questionnaire asking for resident's views."

The meeting will begin at 3pm tomorrow, Wednesday September 4, at Victoria Hall, Sutton Scotney.

The Chronicle has approached Cllr Jackie Porter, city councillor responsible for overseeing the local plan, for comment.