Teacher Louise Caldwell has published her debut book 'Dancing Sloths' championing conservation and biodiversity.

Published by Olympia Publishers on August 29, the book is intended to inspire the next generation to protect the world's rainforests.

Filled with the stories of five children’s adventure into the Amazon rainforest, readers get to discover whistling tapirs, dancing sloths, sleeping ocelots and chattering spider monkeys.

Louise, a passionate outdoorswoman from Alresford, is driven by a deep admiration for the planet's incredible biodiversity and believes that proactive conservation efforts are essential.

Dancing Sloths by Louise Caldwell Dancing Sloths by Louise Caldwell (Image: Olympia Publishing)

She said: "I'm a teacher with a passion for conservation, the book is written to hopefully educate younger children into the importance of conservation and climate change through an adventure story which follows five children through the Amazon Rainforest in South America.

"Dr Niall McCann who is an expert in conservation biology and worked alongside David Attenborough was involved in checking over a lot of the facts in the book and the book was also illustrated by Rachel Hudson who has a background in conservation." 

The book costs £8.99 and is available to buy from Olympia Publishers direct or from Amazon.