Triple fff Brewery's Alton's Pride clinched a shared Gold at the competitive London SIBA Regional Beer Awards.

This isn't the first accolade for the beer, having won the Supreme Champion Beer of Britain Award by CAMRA in 2008, and winning several other contests.

This winning streak has earned Alton's Pride a place at the SIBA National Finals, marking its progress towards one of the British brewing industry's most sought-after commendations.

The award event was held earlier this month reconfirming Triple fff Brewery's status.

In addition to Alton's Pride, another of Triple fff’s beer, the offbeat "Pressed Rat & Warthog" Dark Mild, scooped Bronze.

This dark mild stood its ground amidst all the session stouts, porters and milds, following its Gold win in the category in 2023 and Bronze for dark session beers nationwide.

Triple fff, based in Four Marks, stays true to its identity, where its name stems from the musical term "fortissimo", indicating extremely loud.

A musical influence is noticeable in the brewery's beer names, with bestsellers including Moondance and Nothing Else Matters, and their Pilsner named Jagged Little Pilsner.

The brewery extends an invitation to over-18s to suggest catchy, music-inspired names for their beers, offering cases of beers as rewards.

Patrons can taste Triple fff creations at the Brewery's Tap Room or at one of the 150 pubs across several counties.

Founder and head brewer Graham Trott said: "Really pleased to have won this – at 3.8 per cent Alton’s Pride has less alcohol than the competitors in the class and to compete in terms of body and taste with the lower alcohol level is terrific."