RESIDENTS of a Winchester neighbourhood have met to hear how the city council plans to resolve the issues surrounding a problematic hostel.

Hyde residents heard more about what has been proposed to resolve the anti-social behaviour around West View House, which is currently used as accommodation for ex-offenders, at a meeting on August 21 at Winchester Rugby Club, convened by Winchester City Council’s Community Safety Officer.

Since the Chronicle reported on the community's anger at the problem being allowed to slide, the council has announced it is taking several steps to improve the situation before the planned closure of the hostel next year, confirmed by operators A2 Dominion several weeks ago.

Firstly, police have acted on any rowdiness after they gained two dispersal orders, also issuing community protection notices to certain individuals.

READ MORE: West View House, Hyde Gate: Residents angry over increasing disorder

Signs put up by Hyde residents in protest (Image: Toby Oliver)

In addition, a salt bin frequently used as a drugs stash has been moved, another CCTV camera has been installed and more funds have been allocated  by the council for a new outreach worker to patrol the area regularly.

A2 Dominion has also updated residents, confirming they are taking steps towards the closure of West View House and that it is not taking on new residents.

The organisation hopes to close the premises in April 2025, on the condition that all residents have been successfully transferred.

This is because a contract between Hampshire County Council and A2 Dominion will expire at that time, freeing all parties from their obligations to keep the service running. 

SEE ALSO: West View House 'raises the question of where is the right place?'

A2 Dominion owns the building and are currently considering whether to sell or redevelop it. 

There has been no public discussion so far as to where the residents might be transferred.

Rose Burns, speaking on behalf of Hyde residents, said: “We are grateful to all the council representatives, the police and A2 Dominion, for their attendance at this meeting and for their swift actions in response to our concerns.

"The predominantly elderly, vulnerable neighbours of West View have been pressing for a solution to the intractable problem of antisocial behaviour for over 20 years now, since the opening of the facility. Perhaps they can look forward to being able to sleep at night and to the enjoyment of a peaceful, safe environment in the future.”