Reports of cruelty to dogs in Hampshire reached a concerning 1,231 incidents last year, according to data released by the RSPCA.

The charity has seen the number of such reports rise consistently each year.

The year 2023 saw a total of 52,662 complaints across the UK, compared to 48,567 in 2022, signifying an eight per cent rise in just one year.

A comparison with 42,613 reports in 2020 signals a 23 per cent jump over four years.

The RSPCA highlighted these figures as it unveiled its summer appeal titled 'No Animal Deserves Cruelty'. They also shared the story of Dolly, a rescued chihuahua who, after suffering abuse, found a new and happier life.

Chris Sherwood, chief executive of the RSPCA, said: "It is heartbreaking that more dogs need our help - we need to make a stand against this and say ‘no more’.

"Dogs are supposed to be man’s best friend, yet more and more dogs are being subjected to cruelty every year. Dogs are the most popular pet in the UK yet also the ones who potentially suffer the most.

“We would love to see, next year, cruelty going down. We know we can’t do this alone - so our purpose is for everyone to work together to create a kinder world for animals. That's why we've launched our summer appeal, because it’s vital that we all take action together to help animals like these dogs."

RSPCA inspector and Dolly's new owner, Lucy Green, shared this inspiring story of transformation and resilience.

Dolly's story, riddled with physical abuse and fear, saw a change when a concerned vet contacted the RSPCA. X-ray investigations revealed extensive injuries including a broken rib, tail dislocation, skull injuries and severe facial bruising.

Dolly's previous owner pleaded guilty to causing unnecessary suffering and received a lifetime ban on keeping animals.

Ms Green said: "She was initially quite timid but settled in quickly and enjoyed attention. Dolly would often get up and follow me as I left a room

"At first she was very nervous about certain things such as any loud noises or sudden movements. There were times where someone shouts on the TV or loud music might have come on during an advert and she would stop what she was doing and shake, lower her head and tuck her tail up under herself."