A REVIEW into the future of choral music at Winchester Cathedral is 'keen to hear from anyone who feels they can contribute.'

Bishop of Winchester, Philip Mounstephen, ordered an independent review back in June after the resignation of Mark Byford, a senior non-executive member of Winchester Cathedral Chapter.

Former director of music at Winchester Cathedral Dr Andrew Lumsden stepped down at the end of July. Former choristers also expressed their fears over the departures of organist Claudia Grinnell and, in 2021, George Castle.

The Bishop's review is now organising in-person interviews. The process is being led by Patti Russell, an independent ecclesiastical lawyer.

READ MORE: Bishop of Winchester launches Cathedral review after resignation of senior member

Winchester Cathedral has dedicated a section of its website to provide updates on the proceedings.

On August 22, it said: “Following the recent appointment of a co-reviewer, The Very Reverend Jane Hedges, to assist Patti Russell, in-person interviews are being organised by the reviewers throughout September and beyond to meet key cathedral staff. 

“The people whom the reviewers wish to see and in which order is their decision, but should you feel it is important that your views are taken into account and you have not been contacted in the next month or so, be assured that the reviewers are keen to hear from anyone who feels they can contribute. Please contact them on the email address which has previously been shared: winchesterreview@wslaw.co.uk.”