Age Concern Hampshire has announced it is seeking partnerships as a result of increased demand for its services due to a growing older population.

The charity, which was established in 1985, is actively seeking backing from local businesses to support the delivery of essential services and initiatives aimed at improving the quality of life for Hampshire's older residents.

In recent times, companies such as Coop Funeralcare and DEOS group have given invaluable aid, through voluntarily offering both physical and technological support.

The organisation encourages businesses to make a difference in a range of forms, including financial contributions, equipment donations and employee volunteer engagement.

Corporate preferences are taken into consideration in creating tailored support packages.

This trend fosters a corporate social responsibility which directly impacts the community's elders on a positive note.

Brogan Rehill, head of fundraising at Age Concern Hampshire, said: "Age Concern Hampshire plays a vital role in our community by ensuring older individuals receive the care and support they need.

"With the population of older adults growing steadily, our services are more crucial than ever. We invite local businesses to join us in making a difference."