A WINCHESTER society recently celebrated its 35th anniversary with a party. 

The Mayor of Winchester Russell Gordon-Smith, cut the celebration cake at a party to mark the occasion for Winchester u3a. 

In his address to members, he contrasted the u3a movement with the many students he had seen graduating recently. The latter wanted a degree to get a good job or further their academic career whereas u3a members learn purely for the sake of knowledge alone.

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Winchester u3a party (Image: Paul Haines)

This month’s meeting, like all the u3a monthly talks, was held in Littleton Hall and before the substantial tea, u3a members enjoyed a quiz about antiques by former auctioneer Peter Raw. He invited his audience to value various pieces he had brought along. From a plated trophy worth £10 to a painting of a bull valued at around £25,000, members’ guesses were usually way off the mark.

Winchester u3a, aimed at those who are retired or working part-time, runs more than 60 groups, some for those interested in academic studies such as languages and history but also other more social gatherings such as walks, cycling and wine appreciation. 

For more details, visit the website, winchesteru3a.co.uk.