WINCHESTER Conservatives are supporting plans to accelerate the development of the local plan in an attempt to mitigate Labour’s recent announcement of a massive expansion in house building across the district.  

Winchester City Council's Conservative group leader Caroline Horrill agreed to an unprecedented recall of the cabinet and full council in August. 

Both meetings were due in September, but now the cabinet will be held on Monday, August 19 and the full council on Wednesday, August 28.

In the Winchester district, the number of homes needed per year has gone up from 676 to 1,099, an increase of 423, or 62 per cent. 

Cllr Horrill said: “It is critical that we work at a local level to develop the local plan before Labour’s deadlines, so that it puts the district in the strongest position. However we must ensure full transparency with our parish councils and residents by sharing all of the consultation feedback from the initial Regulation 18 draft plan.

Sir John Moore Barracks (Image: Contributed)

READ MORE: Homes needed in Winchester district could increase by more than 60 per cent

“We desperately need more affordable housing in Winchester but must develop in a way that minimises the impact on our environment. We should not be building on green fields before we use the brownfield land available in Winchester.

“Obviously, any development in the South Downs National Park which covers over 40 per cent of our district must be sensitive. The park’s current planned contribution to meeting housing needs is minimal with just 350 homes. Our affordability measure is impacted by the value of homes in the park but they have offered a derisory contribution to our housing target.

“We will need a realistic and considered plan for where the proposed 4,800 additional homes will be built. Where is the infrastructure and services to support these new homes, and where will the new residents work?”

Cllr Caroline Horrill (Image: Contributed)

Cllr Jackie Porter, cabinet member for place and the local plan, said: “We’ve always said this is ‘Your Place, Your Plan’ and this is why we have very carefully reviewed and responded to the feedback we have received. We are extremely grateful for the time people have given us to share their views. Our plan will help us set the highest possible standards for the future of our district, protecting our environment while ensuring future generations will have responsibly placed and sustainable homes.”

If agreed, consultation on the proposed submission local plan is expected to begin following the meeting of the full council at the end of August. 

The cabinet meeting will be held on  Monday, August 19 at 10am in the King Charles Hall at Winchester Guildhall.