I am writing on behalf of the Test Valley Green Party to express our profound dismay and outrage regarding the recent comments made by Donna Jones, the Conservative Hampshire Police and Crime Commissioner. In a recent statement, she described the actions of far-right protesters as “upholding British values” amid widespread riots and violence. This statement is not only profoundly insensitive but also fundamentally misrepresents the values of equality, respect and justice that Britain strives to uphold.

At this moment a substantial amount of arrests have been made due to violent clashes fuelled by far-right groups exploiting public outrage over recent tragic events. Instead of condemning the violence, Ms Jones chose to justify the actions of these extremists, by saying they had “the desire to protect Britain’s sovereignty, the need to uphold British values and in order to do this stop illegal immigration”. Such rhetoric is dangerous and divisive, undermining the integrity and trust in our police force.

British values are about supporting your local community, not destroying it. The core five British values are; democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, mutual respect and tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs. The rioters clearly do not hold these values. It is especially troubling that while peaceful climate protesters have received harsh sentences merely for planning to block a road, these disgraceful rioters are being praised by our Police and Crime Commissioner.

The role of the Police and Crime Commissioner is to ensure the police operate fairly and protect all citizens, regardless of background. By making these inflammatory remarks, Ms Jones has shown herself unfit for her position. Her comments not only condone but also embolden divisive behaviour, which has no place in our society.

Therefore, we at the Test Valley Green Party believe that Ms Jones should step down from her position immediately. We also call on other political and community leaders to join us in demanding her resignation. The people of Hampshire deserve a leader who genuinely represents the real British values.

We urge the Hampshire Police and Crime Panel to act fast to restore public confidence in our law enforcement leadership. It is essential to send a clear message that racism and bigotry will not be tolerated and that those in power must be held accountable for their actions. Thank you for your attention to this critical issue.

Connor Shaw,

Test Valley Green Party,

Pound Road,

Over Wallop

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