A GATHERING in solidarity with Muslims has taken place in a Hampshire city.

Winchester Muslims welcomed City Councillor John Tippett-Cooper, leader of Winchester City Council and Hampshire County Councillor Martin Tod, Mayor of Winchester Coucillor Gordon-Smith and new MP Danny Chambers at Friday prayers in the Winchester Islamic Centre on Hyde Street yesterday, August 9.

The civic leaders brought messages of support and solidarity in light of the wave of Islamophobia and racist riots and unrest across the country in recent days.

READ MORE: Muslim group calls on Government to end ‘forces of hatred’ after Southport riot

Pictured standing left to right: Mr Moon, WMCA Chairman, Mayor of Winchester Cllr Gordon-Smith, Leader of Winchester City Council Martin Tod, Hyde resident and City Councillor John Tippett-Cooper, MP Danny Chambers, Abdul Kayum and Imam Abu Tayeb (Image: WMCA)

Winchester Muslim Cultural Association Chairman Mr Ahmed Moon said “We are grateful that Civic leaders have taken the time to come and show their support and reassurance to our Muslim community members. We are blessed in Winchester in that we have not encountered any of the extremism or threats that Muslims and ethnic minorities across other parts of the UK have faced.

"We are further blessed that we have such a welcoming, respectful and supportive community around us. We have received many messages of support from individuals, from our friends in faith at the Cathedral, Churches Together, local businesses and neighbours. Thank you Winchester!”